About us

About us

During the last several years the price of the real estate and the rental of the premises in Moldova were constantly rising. The building of the large-scale warehouses was actively shifting to the suburban areas; still the increase in land prices forced the investors to seek ways of most efficient use of ground areas and premises. 

The solution for the placement of warehousing equipment is the development of the logistic project, designing or selecting the optimum structure of the shelving equipment. When choosing the warehousing equipment the warehouse shelves have not the least importance. The useful area depends on the configuration of the warehouse shelves, on their compact size and design particularities. When they use the warehouse shelves in the optimum way, the space saving may be huge. 

Thus, you may save not only space, but also save money by using competently designed and installed shelves. The advantage is clear when taking account of the particular stability and functionality of our warehouse shelves. 

Our catalogue offers almost every possible configuration of the shelves – from pallet to depth structures. The prices of shelves will make glad both the corporate customers and the prospective dealers of our products. In order to put in a shelves order you only have to call us up and discuss the precedent conditions of the collaboration.

Warehouse shelves placement optimization
Best quality from best manufacturers
Great variety of different shelve models
Design service according to individual demand